MIL -C-5541 , MIL-DTL-5541 , Chem Film , Chemical Conversion Coatings

Hopewell Precision Inc. continues to offer all Chemical Conversion Coatings for it's products. They offer both Commercial & Military Spec. All certifications are provided for the customer as required. Hopewell has not been limited to the size of the product or the quantity. Large Enclosures weighing hundreds of pounds or small parts that can be held in the palm of your hand...........Have just 1 piece or a proto-type? No problem........Large quantity runs that allow's Hopewell to offer it's stocking program , again, no problem. 

Besides the most common coating referred to as : Alodine , we also can quote additional coatings such as: Anodize , Cadmium , Chromate , Copper , Electroless Nickel , Hard Coat , Irridite , Nickel Plate , Silver Plate , Tin , Tin-Lead , Tin-Zinc , Zinc , Zinc-Nickel.