Office Supplies

Like many companies this is an area where with a little effort a lot can be accomplished as far as “Going Green”. We basically use Staples Office Supplies in all of our purchases. When ordering certain products we specify “Green Products”. 

Paper Products

Copy paper, Plotter paper, Adding Machine Rolls, Legal size pads, Post It Notes, Folders and Envelopes are purchased with the “Green” label - all from re-cycled paper.

Writing Utensils

All Pencils from Staples are with latex free erasers. We also use Gel pens with refillable cartridges as a cost savings measure. All Machine shops and metal fabricators need to mark their products through out production in the shop. Most if not all use Epoxy Metal Markers as well as Blue Template Inspection Liquid. Hopewell Precision, Inc. uses Marks-A-Lot and Sharpies from Staples. It’s not as permanent but does work; it saves money as well as helps being greener. These two items are extremely minor but as with many things, add them up. 

Printer Cartridges

We purchase HP brand from Staples. When purchased they supply a return box with a United Parcel Service call tag to return the empty cartridge, which in turn is re-cycled.

Paper Use

As with most companies we depend heavily on the Computer with its e-mail and internet. We have reduced our paper use to an extremely low usage. Any of our paper documents that are discarded are all sent to a paper shredder in our main office. Paper shredding is done on a bi-weekly basis and is bagged and sent to Shipping and Receiving to be used as packaging material.